In the present furious contest, partnerships look for efficiency and advancement advantage by adjusting people to hierarchical objectives. It might appear at first that corporate training has no immediate effect and can cost businesses a lot of money. Be that as it may, corporate preparation builds the worth of representatives by expanding the workers' information on their current abilities by giving higher aptitude around here ('up-skilling') and another way is via preparing them in totally new abilities connected with their workspaces. This expands their convenience in the organization as representatives have different abilities that can play out various errands in the business.
We offer customized training solutions for over more than 100 programs. Refer below to some of our signature Programs.

Don’t be a seller, be a enabler
Be a sales professionals to help your customers diagnose their needs and identify solutions
Create a competitive advantage by building a sales culture that is tightly aligned to market needs
Shorten your sales cycle length by driving momentum and building buyer confidence to commit and close your sales
Define Consultative Selling
Apply the Consultative Selling Framework to engage buyers
Identify the Six Critical Skills that allow sellers to leverage their strength
Effective objection Handling
The New Age Selling

8 Hours in 2 days of intervention
Managers versus Leaders
How do I coach?
Create your replacement and why it is important
Sit-lead assessment, Skill-Will matrix, GROW Model, Ask-Tell Spectrum and Many More
Understand the SKIILL-WILL Matrix
Become a coach
Understand the coaching Model
Feedback Skills
Capability Building matrix
Situational Leadership

High impact communication
16 hours (Can be divide in 1 to 3 days)
Mode of Business Communication, Emails, messages and WhatsApp etiquette Rules of Punctuation, The Meharabian’s Law, construct of language, Tele communicating, Laws of business communication, negating conflicts etc
To equip Participants with the tools and techniques of high impact communication
Enabling them with the techniques to practice the skill daily and improve gradually
Understand the science behind Assertiveness, resolving conflicts and empathy
Business Communication

Win on your anxiety and worries. Love, laugh and live
An intense course based on a cognitive researched to bring insights regarding stress.
Don't let stress control your life.
Dive deep into the reasons behind stress and the mechanics at hand
Understand the non existence of Stress
Understand the different types of stress
Understand the different types of relief strategies
Implement more than 20 ways of Managing stress
Managing Stress

Personal Effectiveness
8 Hours in 2 days of intervention
Being efficient and adaptive
Know yourself: Johari Window
Enrich your internal personality
Enrich your interaction aspects
Being Emotionally intelligent
Johari Window, Business Etiquette, Communication quantum, and many more
To equip the participants with understanding oneself and knowing how to come across as effective professionals
Maximize your Open Arena
Be Proactive
Improve listening skills
Display efficient behavior

Live Clutter Free
6 hours
You can declutter your life and start enjoying your environment.
Take Control of your life and save time
Initiate the Decluttering by understanding the to the sources of all clutter in your life and start managing them
How to live Clutter free
Organize your life
Understand prioritizing things
Be willing full to get rid of unwanted things (Sell/Donate/Gift)

Microsoft Excel
High performance and productivity
Multiple levels of 8 hours each (Can be divide in 1 to 3 days)
common Excel functions, Excel data in a list or table, IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions, conditional formatting, automating your day to day tasks through Macros and VBA and many more
To equip Participants with the tools and techniques of using Excel
Enabling them with the tools to save time
Understand the science behind using formulae and macros

Microsoft Outlook
High performance and productivity
Multiple levels of 4 hours each (Can be divide in 1 to 3 days)
Schedule and organize Events and Appointments, Create, update and completing Tasks, Schedule Meetings, track replies and send updates etc
To equip Participants with the tools and techniques of using outlook
Enabling them with the tools to save time
Understand the science behind using Microsoft outlook to make your life more organized!

Microsoft PowerPoint
High performance and productivity
Multiple levels of 8 hours each (Can be divide in 1 to 3 days)
common PowerPoint functions, custom layouts with placeholders on slide master slides, learn shortcuts, integrated data inside presentations and many more
To equip Participants with the tools and techniques of using PowerPoint to save time and enhance their PowerPoint skills
Enabling them with the tools to save time
Understand the science behind using Masters, insert tools and transitions

POSH- Workshop
POSH Awareness session for all the employees - 2-3 Hours
POSH Training for Management Team - 4 Hours
POSH Training for IC Team - 6 Hours
Understanding the law
Brief of the company policy of POSH
Complaints process
What is Sexual Harassment
Know the Law
Preventions Strategies Managers'
Electronic Communications Update
Investigation Process- Manager’s Responsibility